Welcome to the Elden Ring Trophy Guide! Elden Ring is a massive open world souls title of developer From Software. You can still do all steps for all endings after defeating the endboss (before you pick your ending). But you can still go to all trophy-related bosses after the ending. Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Partially – One area “Leyndell, Royal Capital” changes drastically towards the end of the game, locking you out of most things there.PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Save Transfer = YES, Autopop = NO.Minimum Playthroughs: 1 (with save game backup before ending).Does difficulty affect trophies?: No Difficulty Settings, it’s the same difficulty for everyone, but you can level up as much as you want to make it easier.Glitched trophies: 0, no glitched trophies.Lichdragon Fortissax – missable if you kill the quest giver Fia (Deathbed Companion) before the boss.Legendary Armaments – weapon called “ Bolt of Gransax” is missable (located in Royal Capital), but can also have another player drop it for you.Lord of Frenzied Flame – only 1 ending per playthrough but can manually back up save beforehand.Age of the Stars – only 1 ending per playthrough but can manually back up save beforehand.Elden Lord – only 1 ending per playthrough but can manually back up save beforehand.Approximate amount of time to platinum: 60-100 Hours (skill dependent, and with save game backups to get all 3 endings in 1 playthrough).Estimated trophy difficulty: 6-7/10 (depends on how you play the game – overleveling with runes / gear dropped by other players makes it easier).